Looking At Saint John The Baptist Roman Catholic Church

Looking At Saint John The Baptist Roman Catholic Church
Looking At Saint John The Baptist Roman Catholic Church From Across The Street

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day 2009

Hello All:

I would like to now share with you the photos and a video from today, (Christmas Day, 2009.)  Tony and I both had a really good time at both my parents' house and at Tony's mom, Margie's place.  Tony and I went and visited my folks first, (this morning), then this evening, Tony and I went and visited his mom at her place.

First up below is the slide show from where Tony and I were at both places, (my parents' house and Tony's mom's house), along with some photos of some neighborhood Christmas lights in the Highland Heights, Kentucky area.  If you look beneath the photo slide show, you will see the video that I also shot as Tony and I were heading out to my parents' house this morning to be with my family.

I hope that you enjoy looking at the below photos!  Merry Christmas, everybody!!

Christmas Eve 2009

Hello All:

I have just uploaded some photos of my Christmas Eve 2009 and I just thought that I would share most of them with you.  This Christmas was rather sad this year, but for a different reason than why it was sad last year.

The reason why Christmas was rather sad last year, (in 2008), was because one of my uncles was very bad off sick with cancer last year.  The man ended up dying only about a month later from the cancer, (at the end of January 2009.)  It was rather sad to look at my late uncle and see a guy who was lucky to be there and who probably wasn't going to make it another week or 2, but some how, the man did it, passing away around January 28, 2009.

This year's Christmas Eve was rather sad, because the particular cousin of mine that had Christmas Eve won't be having Christmas Eve in the pretty house that she had it in both this year and last year, due to her getting a divorce and her ex-hubby ending up with the house.  I really wish that the cousin that was the hostess was even completely sober for this event, because by the time that I reached her house this evening, apparently, the girl was pretty well oiled up from drinking alchol earlier in the evening and the girl was drinking alchol like a fish drinks water the whole time that I was at her house.  What was worse is that this cousin, who is normally so bubbly, happy and outgoing most of the time that I am around her, was acting like somebody had died earlier in the evening.  I felt sorry for my cousin initially this evening, but in all honesty, I was truly discusted to see my cousin drowning her sorrows in a beer can, actually, in multiple beer cans.

Any way, on a more happier note, below are the photos.  I hope that you all enjoy looking at these photos tonight!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Family Member's Retirement Party

Hello All:

In this blog, I am including photos and videos from one of Tony's cousin's retirement parties.  The party took place on December 20, 2009 at the Wiedemann Hill Mansion, which is located in Newport, Kentucky.  The mansion itself has an amazing view of the Cincinnati, Ohio skyline and it is a beautful faculity to have a party in, such as this retirement party.

I looked at the web page for Wiedemann Hill Mansion, which is http://www.whillmansion.com/Welcome.html .  This web page has some very useful information about the facility itself there, including prices and information about having stuff like a small meeting there; a wedding and reception; a small party, (such as what we had on December 20, 2009) and stuff like that there.  After I was there and I looked at this web page, I wished that this place would have been a place that I could have had my wedding and reception, because I distinctly remember telling my mom back then that I wanted a "Small wedding" and this place would have given it to me and in grand style, too.

Now, below is the photos for Tony's cousin's retirement party from December 20, 2009.  I am also going to include a video from that same night, (December 20, 2009) beneath the photo montage, for your viewing pleasure as well.

Tony's Birthday Party From December 19, 2009

Hello All:

I just thought that I would share the photos from Tony's birthday "Party" that I had for Tony on December 19, 2009 with all of you this evening.  Tony and I went to Cheddar's restaurant in Florence, Kentucky with our mothers.  Tony (I think) had a really good time eating at Cheddar's restaurant that evening.

A few of the photos below are of Tony opening his presents from his mom and myself at Tony's mom's house in Highland Heights, Kentucky; as Tony; Margie, (Tony's mom) and I were waiting on my mom to get there to Margie's place.  Tony really enjoyed getting his presents from Margie and myself.

Happy viewing, everybody!!  I will be posting another blog with some videos and some photos here soon, but in the mean time, enjoy looking at these photos from Tony's birthday party.