Certain Family Get Together Photos, Videos And Other Things Here
This blog is for telling stories, showing photos and/or videos about family get-togethers of interest of Tony and/or myself here that Tony and I would like to share with everybody.
Looking At Saint John The Baptist Roman Catholic Church

Looking At Saint John The Baptist Roman Catholic Church From Across The Street
Friday, May 18, 2012
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Scarlett's Pokerface
Hello All:
I just wanted to share this video with you today & say that as quick as I have a chance, I will have something new to share with all of you in this blog.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Day 2010 Photos
Hello All:
Now, for the Christmas Day 2010 photos from where Tony and I visited with Tony's momma then my parents. These photos are made with a regular digital camera, so don't worry about the photos in this slide show being grainy like the photos in the Christmas Eve slide show in the previous blog that I posted here earlier.
I hope that you enjoy these photos from Christmas Day 2010!! Oh, and please keep an eye out for new "Family fun photos" in the near future!! :)
Christmas Eve 2010 Photos
Hello All:
As promised, here is some of the Christmas photos that I mentioned in the last blog. The below photos are from Christmas Eve 2010 at Tony's cousin's house over in New Richmond, Ohio.
Granted, there's not a whole lot of photos in this below slide show. I also wanted to mention that a few of these photos are a bit on the grainy side, but I was taking the below photos with my cell phone camera.
Any way, here are these photos from Christmas Eve 2010!! Happy viewing folks!! :)
Photos From Etta's Birthday Party
Hello All:
Oddly enough, I forgot to share these photos with you prior tonight. These photos are from one of my favorite people's birthday parties last month, (in November 2010), Etta's 50th birthday party at my parents' house.
I hope that you all enjoy these photos from Etta's birthday last month. I know that Etta really enjoyed herself and was really suprised when she showed up at my parents' house and everybody yelled "Suprise!"
Any way, I hope that you enjoy these photos from Etta's birthday party last month, (November 2010.) Oh, and don't forget to keep an eye out for some photos from Christmas Eve and Day earlier this month. :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tony's 33rd Birthday
Hello All:
On this past Friday, (December 17, 2010), Tony had himself a birthday -- his 33rd birthday, to be exact! Tony actually did pretty well for himself to be honest.
I gave Tony our 2011 calendar as part of his present, (because I made it online at http://www.shutterfly.com/ and it has photos of Tony, myself and some other people in it.) I also gave Tony 2 DVDs -- Gangs of New York from 2001 and The Princess Bride from the 1980s. Tony also received another beer stein from the Hofbrauhuas from me as well.
Tony also got some socks and a new pair of shoes from his mother. My parents gave Tony our Union Terminal membership for 2011. Tony and I ate diner with our parents on Tony's birthday, (December 17) at Longhorn's in Cold Spring, Kentucky.
Both of Tony's friends, Dave and Danny Menetrey and Danny's girlfriend, Emily gave Tony beer related cards. Of course, Tony and I ate dinner with the three (3) of them the following day (on December 18, 2010) at the Hofbrauhaus in Newport, Kentucky. I would daresay that Tony really enjoyed his dinner moreso at the Hofbrauhaus, because he really enjoys the German food there a whole lot and Tony and I haven't eaten there in quite some time.
I think that Tony really enjoyed himself over the 2 day thing for his birthday this year, because of of the gifts and all. Any way, here below is a slide show of Tony's birthday parties from December 17 and 18, 2010! I hope that you enjoy the slide show below, folks!! :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Now, For Something Different Today
Hello All:
Now, for something different here in this blog, here's a funny poem for you (in the below video) that I thought that I would share with all of you tonight. I know that this video has nothing to do with families and stuff, but I just thought that I'd throw something different in here for you today. I hope that the poem and the story make you laugh tonight!
As soon as I come up with some "Family stuff," on the other hand, I will definately be throwing that in this blog here to share with all of you at that time. Until I can come up with those stories, videos, photos, etc, then just watch this video and the photo slide shows on this blog and have a great day!! :)
Friday, February 26, 2010
At 106, Satan doesn't want Freda Kolb
By John Johnston • jjohnston@enquirer.com • February 25, 2010
Freda Kolb celebrates another birthday today, and nobody's more amazed by that than Freda herself.
"Satan doesn't want me. The Lord doesn't want me," she says, holding court in the North Bend home she shares with her son Ray Kolb and daughter-in-law Carole. "I never thought I would live this long. Never, ever thought of being this old."
She is 106.
She was born in Sedamsville on this date in 1904, just 10 weeks after two brothers named Orville and Wilbur flew a gas-powered, winged contraption over the sands of Kitty Hawk, N.C.
Freda was 3 when her mother died; she was a teen-ager when World War I ended; she'd been married six years and had one child when the stock market crashed in 1929; she was a 33-year-old mother of two during the great Ohio River flood of 1937.
Nineteen U.S. presidents have held office during her lifetime, starting with Theodore Roosevelt. Don't bother asking her favorite.
"I never bothered with politics," she says.
But she does keep up with the news. She rises at 7 most mornings, enjoys two cups of coffee - black - then uses a magnifying glass to read the newspaper. She turns first to the death notices.
"To see if I know anybody."
She rarely does anymore. She has outlived all her contemporaries.
Also her husband, Ray Kolb Sr.
She was 19 when they married on June 23, 1923.
"He was a wonderful husband. The best man I ever knew," she says. He died 13 years ago at age 95.
She then lived alone in her Riverside home until, at age 103, she moved in with her son and daughter-in-law. They're sitting at a table with her, along with Freda's other child, Kathryn Noppert, who lives in Sayler Park.
Freda is wearing a blue outfit embossed with gold snowflakes, and glittery earrings. "They prettied me up for you," she says. "I make so much trouble for everybody else. I don't like people having to do things for me. I want to do things for myself, and some of them I can't do."
Her son, a retired plumber, says: "That was the hardest part in her life, resigning herself to the fact that she had to have help."
She recently had trouble breathing. She didn't want anyone to call 911. Carole did anyway.
In the hospital, a doctor asked Freda how she'd feel about getting a pacemaker.
"If that's what you think, do it," she told him.
The pacemaker should last five to 10 years. Meanwhile, Freda moves about by using a walker. "I have no pain. I'm lucky," she says.
She's been known to enjoy a strawberry daiquiri on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Other than that, "I really don't drink."
She enjoys playing cards, eating shrimp at Red Lobster and watching "The Price is Right" and "Wheel of Fortune," but says, "If I had my way, I'd discard the TV and cell phones."
TV, because "the commercials are terrible." And cell phones, because people "don't need to be riding in a car and listening to a telephone."
She still worries about her children. Her "old kids," she calls them. Ray is 78, and Kathryn is 84.
When she sees her son on his riding mower on warm summer days, she scolds: "Get him in here! Make him rest!"
"He's always been my boy," she says, glancing at Ray.
"And she's always been my girl," she adds, turning to Kathryn.
Which is to say some things never change, even when you're 106.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Lion King 2 - Daddy's Little Girl/ Butterfly Kisses
Hello All:
Here is a video that I'd like to share with all of you tonight.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Day 2009
Hello All:
I would like to now share with you the photos and a video from today, (Christmas Day, 2009.) Tony and I both had a really good time at both my parents' house and at Tony's mom, Margie's place. Tony and I went and visited my folks first, (this morning), then this evening, Tony and I went and visited his mom at her place.
First up below is the slide show from where Tony and I were at both places, (my parents' house and Tony's mom's house), along with some photos of some neighborhood Christmas lights in the Highland Heights, Kentucky area. If you look beneath the photo slide show, you will see the video that I also shot as Tony and I were heading out to my parents' house this morning to be with my family.
I hope that you enjoy looking at the below photos! Merry Christmas, everybody!!
I hope that you enjoy looking at the below photos! Merry Christmas, everybody!!
Christmas Eve 2009
Hello All:
I have just uploaded some photos of my Christmas Eve 2009 and I just thought that I would share most of them with you. This Christmas was rather sad this year, but for a different reason than why it was sad last year.
The reason why Christmas was rather sad last year, (in 2008), was because one of my uncles was very bad off sick with cancer last year. The man ended up dying only about a month later from the cancer, (at the end of January 2009.) It was rather sad to look at my late uncle and see a guy who was lucky to be there and who probably wasn't going to make it another week or 2, but some how, the man did it, passing away around January 28, 2009.
This year's Christmas Eve was rather sad, because the particular cousin of mine that had Christmas Eve won't be having Christmas Eve in the pretty house that she had it in both this year and last year, due to her getting a divorce and her ex-hubby ending up with the house. I really wish that the cousin that was the hostess was even completely sober for this event, because by the time that I reached her house this evening, apparently, the girl was pretty well oiled up from drinking alchol earlier in the evening and the girl was drinking alchol like a fish drinks water the whole time that I was at her house. What was worse is that this cousin, who is normally so bubbly, happy and outgoing most of the time that I am around her, was acting like somebody had died earlier in the evening. I felt sorry for my cousin initially this evening, but in all honesty, I was truly discusted to see my cousin drowning her sorrows in a beer can, actually, in multiple beer cans.
Any way, on a more happier note, below are the photos. I hope that you all enjoy looking at these photos tonight!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A Family Member's Retirement Party
Hello All:
In this blog, I am including photos and videos from one of Tony's cousin's retirement parties. The party took place on December 20, 2009 at the Wiedemann Hill Mansion, which is located in Newport, Kentucky. The mansion itself has an amazing view of the Cincinnati, Ohio skyline and it is a beautful faculity to have a party in, such as this retirement party.
I looked at the web page for Wiedemann Hill Mansion, which is http://www.whillmansion.com/Welcome.html . This web page has some very useful information about the facility itself there, including prices and information about having stuff like a small meeting there; a wedding and reception; a small party, (such as what we had on December 20, 2009) and stuff like that there. After I was there and I looked at this web page, I wished that this place would have been a place that I could have had my wedding and reception, because I distinctly remember telling my mom back then that I wanted a "Small wedding" and this place would have given it to me and in grand style, too.
Now, below is the photos for Tony's cousin's retirement party from December 20, 2009. I am also going to include a video from that same night, (December 20, 2009) beneath the photo montage, for your viewing pleasure as well.
Tony's Birthday Party From December 19, 2009
Hello All:
I just thought that I would share the photos from Tony's birthday "Party" that I had for Tony on December 19, 2009 with all of you this evening. Tony and I went to Cheddar's restaurant in Florence, Kentucky with our mothers. Tony (I think) had a really good time eating at Cheddar's restaurant that evening.
A few of the photos below are of Tony opening his presents from his mom and myself at Tony's mom's house in Highland Heights, Kentucky; as Tony; Margie, (Tony's mom) and I were waiting on my mom to get there to Margie's place. Tony really enjoyed getting his presents from Margie and myself.
Happy viewing, everybody!! I will be posting another blog with some videos and some photos here soon, but in the mean time, enjoy looking at these photos from Tony's birthday party.
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